Loan Review Export

The Loan Review section of LQAS has proven to dramatically reduce the time and expense involved in reviewing the portfolio. The majority of this reduction is due to elimination of “File Cracking” to determine the adequacy of the supporting documentation.

PinPointPinpoint is the next step in improving efficiency in the review/examination process. Imagine a system that can slice off a portion of the portfolio pinpointing the lines to be selected and dropping all of this information including related document images onto a CD-ROM, DVD, Blu-Ray or encrypted memory stick. This export is a fully operational subset of LQAS that can be shipped to the external reviewer or examiner and installed on their computer for read only access to the selected lines. This function should eliminate travel time and expense during the review. This CD can also be given to examiners when they walk into your institution to eliminate pulling of credit and collateral files.

Task Comparison Between Pinpoint and Manual Reviews



And this doesn’t include the added benefits. Travel time essentially disappears with Pinpoint. A single CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc replaces the endless stacks of paper that have to be refiled, whereas it could take two weeks to manually refile everything. Pinpoint won’t lose your credit or collateral files and it won’t misfile documents. You can reduce the time of your loan review to 10% of what it would normally take to do it manually.

The time has come to stop pulling credit and collateral files for your officers, examiners, auditors, and loan reviewers. Contact us to schedule a free Internet demonstration where we will show you the various ways Pinpoint can select lines/relationships to be reviewed.